Thursday, May 28, 2009

The First Day of Running...

Today is the first day that I was supposed to run. The goal was to walk 27 minutes (no problem) and run 3 minutes (problem). Now, these 3 minutes don't even need to be consecutive minutes, but I have to confess that I wasn't able to do it. I ran a total of 2 minutes, 1 minute at a time and walked for 28 minutes. When I'm sitting down I'm very disappointed in myself for not getting that last minute in, but when I'm standing or walking I realize how sore I am and not so ashamed anymore! I had no idea how much it effects your entire wonder runners have such great bodies ;) My arms, back, butt and leg muscles are all sore! lol!! I'm soooo out of WILL get better though!! I'm not scheduled to workout tomorrow, but I'm going to and going to try to do the 3 minutes of running. Maybe I'll even get crazy and do 4 to make up for today! O, and I've decided I really love the nike+itunes thingy (! It keeps track of the work I've put in and I love plugging it into the computer and seeing my progress. I definitely think the guy voice on it is creepy though and have decided that I no longer want him speaking in my ear to let me know where I am in my workout. And here's a trick...I didn't buy the special shoes. I just put the sensor under the tongue of my shoe and it stays in place and works perfectly. Now I need to work on my eating habits....

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