Thursday, May 28, 2009

The First Day.... that I've been on my first walk in my walk to run training program, I've realized there are several things I need. My list so far is:
capri pants or shorts for working out (it's getting hot out there!), better shoes (I have blisters), pants with pockets or somewhere to put my keys, smaller sunglasses so I won't have freakish tan lines on my face (if I happen to tan) and sunscreen. I think that's it for now. I already bought my park I have access to several beautiful parks to walk in! I like to walk in parks even though it freaks my mom out. It's just so pretty and I love to take in all that nature goodness...even if I do have to fight off the gnats along the way! And there are usually tons of people there and people watching is a huge distraction for me. Like the girl who looked like a freakin' Barbie doll while she was out there walking. Black spandex capris, black halter top, bleach blonde hair and big sunglasses...I'm sure her make-up was perfect and she wasn't sweating either! Sheesh...who works out like that? Then there was the guy with the huge smile that thought he was Lance Armstrong, the oooold man (white beard) on a girl's bike that seemed to be trying to prove that you can, indeed, forget how to ride a bike, the moms with their racing strollers, the shirtless man who pretended to be all business...I think he was just there to show off his pecs (they were worth showing off)... and the women walking in front of me that sped up when I tried to pass them!! almost makes working out seem like fun! I'm also realizing that there are all different speeds of running and just because I'm going to start running doesn't mean I need to be all "full speed ahead" in the beginning. I need to not let that intimidate me and just start where I'm able to start with goals in place! Also, I'm very sore. Very, very, very sore...especially my hips...I must have been swinging those things waaaay too much! My next work out is tomorrow and I'll have to work to squeeze it in...or drag my butt out of bed early for it, so I'll let you know how that goes. O, and for my first walk I did 33 minutes and 1.89 miles with an average speed of 18.08. I was only supposed to do 25 minutes, but that seemed like it was for sissys and I really wanted to get to the water in the park before I turned around... I would have done the whole 2 miles, but by then I was feeling like a sissy and decided I just didn't have it in me. Next time :)

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